Thursday, May 12, 2016

This is the full prayer I used for several of our Ubuntu Days.
I believe this if from the Book of Uncommon Prayer.

O God,
Expand our awareness to others whom we shall meet today, and tomorrow.
Help us to look for signs
Of our common humanity among the people we meet.
Help us listen to what people are saying,
Not just their words
But to what they are really saying.
Sensitize us to calls for help that we might give.
Alert us to signals that we can heed if we will.

In this big booming world of ours,
We are always bumping into people,
Then glancing off to pursue our restless, lonely ways.
We need to constantly remind ourselves
that life and love are found in relationships,
That you are speaking to us through human voices
And touching us by means of human hands.

We pray for others and thereby touch them with our thoughts
Ill people who know what it is to hunger
For someone's concern,
Pressured people who fear that they are going to crack.
As we think upon those whom we know
and touch then with our thoughts,
Help us to whatever extent we can touch them with our life.
As we feel our along in prayers,
So may we feel our way along in our daily relationships,
Looking, listening, reaching out and touching.
As we would keep alive the memory of Jesus.
Give us fuller measure of his living and healing Spirit. AMEN

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